Sunday, January 20, 2013

Masked Identity

Response to Switcheroo from This American Life

Pretending to be someone you're not or living a second life is a concept that I always liked thinking about. There are actually a few instances that I've felt like I had multiple lives. What I had done was harmless, unlike the father who ended up having a second family and abandoned his own, but it was definitely and has been quite the interesting experience. Personally, I feel as if I have lived "two lives" twice. When I was growing up, I went to a camp that was three hours away from where I lived in New York. I loved it. Nobody knew me or could judge me based on what they had heard about me... I had a completely clean slate. I made a bunch of new friends, and had been considered one of the "it" people to hang out with, unlike my status in my hometown of being a nerd. I always loved that nobody knew of the other people I associated with, and I loved being able to tell stories about one group of friends to another. This is partially why I decided to go to college so far away as well. I didn't want people to know me, know my past, or the hideous awkward stage I went through with four layers of metal in my mouth. After being that girl that hopelessly tried to fit in, and went out as much as possible, and came back with some of the craziest stories, I've gone back to being the person I was in my hometown. Although it can be nice to step away from who you are everyday, and switch things up a bit, truth is, I find it much better to just be myself. Now I just focus on studies and hang out mainly with my other nerdy friends, and I'm okay with that. Having said that, I can understand why the man in the story decided to be that person someone was looking for at brunch. It's interesting and fun. I also like that Cindy Sherman creates art out of such a fun concept. What I thought was even more entertaining is that there was a woman pretending to be her. I mean there really isn't a better way to play around with that entire concept, even if it wasn't really her. 

For this assignment, I had to create a mask reflecting my inner-self. I decided that I wanted to create a mask where it looked like I was about to bite someone's head off. Honestly, people annoy me pretty easily, for various reasons. It can make me want to snap, although most of the time I'm able to bite my tongue. I figured that this would be the perfect thing to depict for this project. 

Here are some in-process photos. 

Final Product:

Final Photos:

Project sketches:

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